It has been almost three years since I last posted to this blog, so you'd be forgiven for thinking I'd given up on it. I will even forgive you if you've given up on reading it. But only this time - give up on me again and you're off my Christmas card list.
Anyway, in the meantime, I've been working on a bookish podcast called Agony Art, in which my friends and I step into the ill-fitting shoes of agony aunts, solving listeners' problems using examples from books, films and music. It has been a lot of fun, and I'm at least 33% sure that strangers would enjoy it too, if we were brave enough to promote it properly.
But we're not, so the best I can do is promote it here, on my blog which almost no one reads. As of today, the series 3 finale of Agony Art is available wherever you get your podcasts, or on our website. Why not give it a listen, and see if it makes you giggle?
Alright, that's my job done. I'll crawl back into my hole now.